Uses of Class

Packages that use ContextualEvalFunc
datafu.pig.bags A collection of general purpose UDFs for operating on bags. 
datafu.pig.util Other useful utilities. 

Uses of ContextualEvalFunc in datafu.pig.bags

Subclasses of ContextualEvalFunc in datafu.pig.bags
 class BagGroup
          Performs an in-memory group operation on a bag.
 class BagLeftOuterJoin
          Performs an in-memory left outer join across multiple bags.
 class EmptyBagToNullFields
          For an empty bag, inserts a tuple having null values for all fields; otherwise, the input bag is returned unchanged.

Uses of ContextualEvalFunc in datafu.pig.util

Subclasses of ContextualEvalFunc in datafu.pig.util
 class AliasableEvalFunc<T>
          Makes implementing and using UDFs easier by enabling named parameters.
 class Coalesce
          Returns the first non-null value from a tuple, just like COALESCE in SQL.
 class TransposeTupleToBag
          Performs a transpose on a tuple, resulting in a bag of key, value fields where the key is the column name and the value is the value of that column in the tuple.

Matthew Hayes, Sam Shah