Package datafu.hourglass.avro

Input and output formats for using Avro in incremental Hadoop jobs.


Class Summary
AvroDateRangeMetadata Manages the storage and retrieval of date ranges in the metadata of Avro files.
AvroKeyValueWithMetadataOutputFormat<K,V> FileOutputFormat for writing Avro container files of key/value pairs.
AvroKeyValueWithMetadataRecordWriter<K,V> Writes key/value pairs to an Avro container file.
AvroKeyWithMetadataOutputFormat<T> FileOutputFormat for writing Avro container files.
AvroKeyWithMetadataOutputFormat.RecordWriterFactory<T> A factory for creating record writers.
AvroKeyWithMetadataRecordWriter<T> Writes Avro records to an Avro container file output stream.
AvroMultipleInputsKeyInputFormat<T> A MapReduce InputFormat that can handle Avro container files and multiple inputs.
AvroMultipleInputsUtil Helper methods for dealing with multiple Avro input schemas.
CombinedAvroKeyInputFormat<T> A combined input format for reading Avro data.

Package datafu.hourglass.avro Description

Input and output formats for using Avro in incremental Hadoop jobs. These are used internally by AbstractPartitionPreservingIncrementalJob and AbstractPartitionCollapsingIncrementalJob.

Matthew Hayes