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AbstractStableDistributionFunction - Class in datafu.pig.hash.lsh.p_stable
This is the base-class for all p-stable based locality sensitive hashes.
AbstractStableDistributionFunction(int, double, RandomGenerator) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.p_stable.AbstractStableDistributionFunction
Constructs a new instance.
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.CountDistinctUpTo
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.CountEach
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.DistinctBy
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.Enumerate
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.FirstTupleFromBag
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.TupleFromBag
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRank
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.sessions.SessionCount
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.sessions.Sessionize
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.DoubleVAR
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.CondEntropy
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EmpiricalCountEntropy
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.Entropy
accumulate(long) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EntropyEstimator
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.FloatVAR
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.IntVAR
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.LongVAR
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.StreamingQuantile
accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.VAR
added - Variable in class datafu.pig.util.TupleDiff
addNode(Integer, ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
addNode(Integer, ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>, float) - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
algorithm - Variable in class datafu.pig.hash.HasherRand
AliasableEvalFunc<T> - Class in datafu.pig.util
Makes implementing and using UDFs easier by enabling named parameters.
AliasableEvalFunc() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
all_equal(PriorityQueue<SetIntersect.pair>) - Method in class datafu.pig.sets.SetIntersect
AppendToBag - Class in datafu.pig.bags
Appends a tuple to a bag.
AppendToBag() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.AppendToBag
apply(RealVector) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.cosine.HyperplaneLSH
Compute which side of the hyperplane that the parameter is on.
apply(RealVector) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.interfaces.LSH
Hash a vector.
apply(RealVector) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.LSHFamily
Compute the family of k-hashes for a vector.
apply(RealVector) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.p_stable.AbstractStableDistributionFunction
Compute the LSH for a given vector.
apply(RealVector) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.RepeatingLSH
Compute the aggregated hash of a vector.
Assert - Class in datafu.pig.util
Use AssertUDF instead.
Assert() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.util.Assert
AssertUDF - Class in datafu.pig.util
Filter function which asserts that a value is true.
AssertUDF() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.util.AssertUDF


BagConcat - Class in datafu.pig.bags
Unions all input bags to produce a single bag containing all tuples.
BagConcat() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.BagConcat
bagFactory - Static variable in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect
BagGroup - Class in datafu.pig.bags
Performs an in-memory group operation on a bag.
BagGroup() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.BagGroup
BagJoin - Class in datafu.pig.bags
Performs an in-memory join across multiple bags.
BagJoin() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.BagJoin
BagJoin(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.BagJoin
BagJoin.JoinType - Enum in datafu.pig.bags
BagLeftOuterJoin - Class in datafu.pig.bags
Performs an in-memory left outer join across multiple bags.
BagLeftOuterJoin() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.BagLeftOuterJoin
BagSplit - Class in datafu.pig.bags
Splits a bag of tuples into a bag of bags, where the inner bags collectively contain the tuples from the original bag.
BagSplit() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.BagSplit
BagSplit(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.BagSplit
base - Variable in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EntropyEstimator
Base64Decode - Class in datafu.pig.util
Decodes the chararray given from Base64
Base64Decode() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.util.Base64Decode
Base64Encode - Class in datafu.pig.util
Encodes the chararray given in Base64
Base64Encode() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.util.Base64Encode
binconf(Long, Long) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.WilsonBinConf
BoolToInt - Class in datafu.pig.util
UDF which converts a Boolean to an Integer.
BoolToInt() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.util.BoolToInt


CachedFile - Class in datafu.pig.text.opennlp
CachedFile() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.CachedFile
call(DataBag, Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.AppendToBag
call(DataBag, Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.FirstTupleFromBag
call(DataBag, Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.PrependToBag
call(DataBag) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.ReverseEnumerate
call(Double, Double, Double, Double) - Method in class datafu.pig.geo.HaversineDistInMiles
call(String) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.Hasher
call(String) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.HasherRand
Generates the hash for a string value.
call(String) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.MD5
call(String) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.SHA
call(Integer, Integer) - Method in class datafu.pig.random.RandInt
call(DataBag) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.Quantile
call(Number, Number) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.WilsonBinConf
call(String) - Method in class datafu.pig.urls.UserAgentClassify
call(String) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.Base64Decode
call(String) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.Base64Encode
call(Boolean) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.BoolToInt
call(Integer) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.IntToBool
CANDIDATE_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementVote
changed - Variable in class datafu.pig.util.TupleDiff
CHAOSHEN_ESTIMATOR - Static variable in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EntropyEstimator
cleanup() - Method in class
cleanup() - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.CountDistinctUpTo
cleanup() - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.CountEach
cleanup() - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.DistinctBy
cleanup() - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.Enumerate
cleanup() - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.FirstTupleFromBag
cleanup() - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.TupleFromBag
cleanup() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRank
cleanup() - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample
cleanup() - Method in class datafu.pig.sessions.SessionCount
cleanup() - Method in class datafu.pig.sessions.Sessionize
cleanup() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.DoubleVAR
cleanup() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.CondEntropy
cleanup() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EmpiricalCountEntropy
cleanup() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.Entropy
cleanup() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.FloatVAR
cleanup() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.IntVAR
cleanup() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.LongVAR
cleanup() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.StreamingQuantile
cleanup() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.VAR
clear() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
Coalesce - Class in datafu.pig.util
Returns the first non-null value from a tuple, just like COALESCE in SQL.
Coalesce() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.util.Coalesce
Coalesce(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.util.Coalesce
combine(DataBag) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.DoubleVAR
combine(DataBag) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EmpiricalCountEntropy
combine(DataBag) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.FloatVAR
combine(DataBag) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.IntVAR
combine(DataBag) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.LongVAR
combine(DataBag) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.VAR
commit(ProgressIndicator) - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
CondEntropy - Class in datafu.pig.stats.entropy
Calculate conditional entropy H(Y|X) of random variables X and Y following conditional entropy's wiki definition, X is the conditional variable and Y is the variable that conditions on X.
CondEntropy() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.CondEntropy
CondEntropy(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.CondEntropy
CondEntropy(String, String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.CondEntropy
constructFamily(RandomGenerator) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.interfaces.LSHCreator
constructLSH(RandomGenerator) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.interfaces.LSHCreator
ContextualEvalFunc<T> - Class in datafu.pig.util
An abstract class which enables UDFs to store instance properties on the front end which will be available on the back end.
ContextualEvalFunc() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.util.ContextualEvalFunc
convert(Tuple, int) - Method in enum datafu.pig.hash.lsh.util.DataTypeUtil
Convert a tuple t into a RealVector of dimension dim.
Cosine - Class in datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric
A UDF used to find a vector v in a bag such that for query point q, metric m and threshold t m(v,q) < t.
Cosine(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric.Cosine
Create a new Cosine Metric UDF with a given dimension.
CosineDistanceHash - Class in datafu.pig.hash.lsh
From wikipedia's article on Locality Sensitive Hashing:
CosineDistanceHash(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.CosineDistanceHash
Locality sensitive hash that maps vectors onto 0,1 in such a way that colliding vectors are "near" one another according to cosine similarity with high probability.
CosineDistanceHash(String, String, String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.CosineDistanceHash
count(Tuple) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.DoubleVAR
count(Tuple) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.FloatVAR
count(Tuple) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.IntVAR
count(Tuple) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.LongVAR
count(Tuple) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.VAR
countDisctinct(Tuple, int) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.HyperLogLogPlusPlus
CountDistinctUpTo - Class in datafu.pig.bags
Generates a count of the number of distinct tuples in a bag, up to a preset limit.
CountDistinctUpTo(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.CountDistinctUpTo
CountDistinctUpTo.Final - Class in datafu.pig.bags
Receives output either from initial results or intermediate Outputs an integer with the number of distinct tuples, up to the maximum desired.
CountDistinctUpTo.Initial - Class in datafu.pig.bags
Outputs a tuple containing a DataBag containing a single tuple T (the original schema) or an empty bag
CountDistinctUpTo.Intermediate - Class in datafu.pig.bags
Receives a bag of bags, each containing a single tuple with the original input schema T Outputs a bag of distinct tuples each with the original schema T:
CountEach - Class in datafu.pig.bags
Generates a count of the number of times each distinct tuple appears in a bag.
CountEach() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.CountEach
CountEach(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.CountEach
countMatches(PriorityQueue<SetDifference.Pair>) - Method in class datafu.pig.sets.SetDifference
Counts how many elements in the priority queue match the element at the front of the queue, which should be from the first bag.
createEstimator(String, String) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EntropyEstimator
createGenerator() - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.interfaces.LSHCreator
createLSHCreator() - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.CosineDistanceHash
createLSHCreator() - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.L1PStableHash
createLSHCreator() - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.L2PStableHash
createLSHCreator() - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.LSHFunc

D - package
datafu.pig.bags - package datafu.pig.bags
A collection of general purpose UDFs for operating on bags.
datafu.pig.geo - package datafu.pig.geo
UDFs for geographic computations.
datafu.pig.hash - package datafu.pig.hash
UDFs for computing hashes from data.
datafu.pig.hash.lsh - package datafu.pig.hash.lsh
datafu.pig.hash.lsh.cosine - package datafu.pig.hash.lsh.cosine
datafu.pig.hash.lsh.interfaces - package datafu.pig.hash.lsh.interfaces
Interfaces used in the implementation of Locality Sensitive Hashing.
datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric - package datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric
UDFs for different distance functions (and some similarity functions) used with Locality Sensitive Hashing.
datafu.pig.hash.lsh.p_stable - package datafu.pig.hash.lsh.p_stable
datafu.pig.hash.lsh.util - package datafu.pig.hash.lsh.util
Utility functions for locality sensitive hashes
datafu.pig.linkanalysis - package datafu.pig.linkanalysis
UDFs for performing link analysis, such as PageRank.
datafu.pig.random - package datafu.pig.random
UDFs dealing with randomness.
datafu.pig.sampling - package datafu.pig.sampling
Sampling UDFs, including weighted sample, reservoir sampling, sampling by key, etc.
datafu.pig.sessions - package datafu.pig.sessions
UDFs for sessionizing data.
datafu.pig.sets - package datafu.pig.sets
UDFs for set operations such as intersect and union.
datafu.pig.stats - package datafu.pig.stats
Statistics UDFs for computing median, quantiles, variance, confidence intervals, etc.
datafu.pig.stats.entropy - package datafu.pig.stats.entropy
datafu.pig.text.opennlp - package datafu.pig.text.opennlp
datafu.pig.urls - package datafu.pig.urls
UDFs for processing URLs.
datafu.pig.util - package datafu.pig.util
Other useful utilities.
DataFuException - Exception in datafu.pig.util
DataFuException() - Constructor for exception datafu.pig.util.DataFuException
DataFuException(String) - Constructor for exception datafu.pig.util.DataFuException
DataFuException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception datafu.pig.util.DataFuException
DataFuException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception datafu.pig.util.DataFuException
DataTypeUtil - Enum in datafu.pig.hash.lsh.util
A utility function to translate between pig types and vectors.
dim - Variable in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.interfaces.LSH
dim - Variable in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric.MetricUDF
disableDanglingNodeHandling() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
Disables dangling node handling (disabled by default).
disableEdgeDiskCaching() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
Disable disk caching of edges once there are too many (disabled by default).
disableNodeBiasing() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
dist(RealVector, RealVector) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric.Cosine
Cosine similarity.
dist(RealVector, RealVector) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric.L1
dist(RealVector, RealVector) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric.L2
dist(RealVector, RealVector) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric.MetricUDF
The distance metric used.
distance(RealVector, RealVector) - Static method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric.Cosine
Cosine similarity.
distance(RealVector, RealVector) - Static method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric.L1
distance(RealVector, RealVector) - Static method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric.L2
DistinctBy - Class in datafu.pig.bags
Get distinct elements in a bag by a given set of field positions.
DistinctBy(String...) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.DistinctBy
distribute(ProgressIndicator) - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
DoubleVAR - Class in datafu.pig.stats
DoubleVAR() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.DoubleVAR
DoubleVAR.Final - Class in datafu.pig.stats
DoubleVAR.Initial - Class in datafu.pig.stats
DoubleVAR.Intermediate - Class in datafu.pig.stats


EARTH_RADIUS - Static variable in class datafu.pig.geo.HaversineDistInMiles
edgeCount() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
EMPIRICAL_ESTIMATOR - Static variable in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EntropyEstimator
EmpiricalCountEntropy - Class in datafu.pig.stats.entropy
Calculate the empirical entropy of random variable X given its occurrence frequencies, following entropy's wiki definition.
EmpiricalCountEntropy() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EmpiricalCountEntropy
EmpiricalCountEntropy(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EmpiricalCountEntropy
EmpiricalCountEntropy.Final - Class in datafu.pig.stats.entropy
EmpiricalCountEntropy.Initial - Class in datafu.pig.stats.entropy
EmpiricalCountEntropy.Intermediate - Class in datafu.pig.stats.entropy
EmptyBagToNull - Class in datafu.pig.bags
Returns null if the input is an empty bag; otherwise, returns the input bag unchanged.
EmptyBagToNull() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.EmptyBagToNull
EmptyBagToNullFields - Class in datafu.pig.bags
For an empty bag, inserts a tuple having null values for all fields; otherwise, the input bag is returned unchanged.
EmptyBagToNullFields() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.EmptyBagToNullFields
enableDanglingNodeHandling() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
Enables dangling node handling (disabled by default).
enableEdgeDiskCaching() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
Enable disk caching of edges once there are too many (disabled by default).
enableNodeBiasing() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
Entropy - Class in datafu.pig.stats.entropy
Calculate entropy H(X) of random variable X following entropy's wiki definition
Entropy() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.Entropy
Entropy(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.Entropy
Entropy(String, String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.Entropy
EntropyEstimator - Class in datafu.pig.stats.entropy
EntropyEstimator(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EntropyEstimator
EntropyUtil - Class in datafu.pig.stats.entropy
EntropyUtil() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EntropyUtil
Enumerate - Class in datafu.pig.bags
Enumerate a bag, appending to each tuple its index within the bag.
Enumerate() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.Enumerate
Enumerate(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.Enumerate
exec(Tuple) - Method in class
The EvalFunc interface
exec(Tuple) - Method in class
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.BagConcat
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.BagGroup
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.BagJoin
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.BagSplit
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.CountDistinctUpTo.Final
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.CountDistinctUpTo.Initial
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.CountDistinctUpTo.Intermediate
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.EmptyBagToNull
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.EmptyBagToNullFields
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.NullToEmptyBag
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.UnorderedPairs
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.ZipBags
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.LSHFunc
The expectation is that the input is a Tuple of numeric data representing a real vector.
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric.MetricUDF
This UDF expects a query vector as the first element, a threshold (double) as the second, and a bag of vectors.
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.random.RandomUUID
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample.Final
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample.Initial
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample.Intermediate
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.SampleByKey
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSample.Final
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSample.Initial
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSample.Intermediate
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect.Final
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect.Initial
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect.Intermediate
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementVote
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.WeightedSample
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.sets.SetDifference
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.sets.SetIntersect
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.sets.SetUnion
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.DoubleVAR
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.DoubleVAR.Final
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.DoubleVAR.Initial
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.DoubleVAR.Intermediate
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EmpiricalCountEntropy.Final
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EmpiricalCountEntropy.Initial
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EmpiricalCountEntropy.Intermediate
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.FloatVAR
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.FloatVAR.Final
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.FloatVAR.Initial
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.FloatVAR.Intermediate
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.HyperLogLogPlusPlus.Final
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.HyperLogLogPlusPlus.Initial
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.HyperLogLogPlusPlus.Intermediate
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.IntVAR
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.IntVAR.Final
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.IntVAR.Initial
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.IntVAR.Intermediate
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.LongVAR
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.LongVAR.Final
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.LongVAR.Initial
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.LongVAR.Intermediate
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.MarkovPairs
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.VAR
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.VAR.Final
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.VAR.Initial
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.VAR.Intermediate
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.POSTag
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.SentenceDetect
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.TokenizeME
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.TokenizeSimple
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.TokenizeWhitespace
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.urls.URLInfo
Apache Pig UDF that provides information about URLs
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AssertUDF
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.Coalesce
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.InUDF
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.SelectStringFieldByName
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.SimpleEvalFunc
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.TransposeTupleToBag
exec(Tuple) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.TupleDiff
ExtremalTupleByNthField - Class in
This class is a copy of org.apache.pig.piggybank.evaluation.ExtremalTupleByNthField
ExtremalTupleByNthField() - Constructor for class
ExtremalTupleByNthField(String) - Constructor for class
ExtremalTupleByNthField(String, String) - Constructor for class
ExtremalTupleByNthField.HelperClass - Class in
Utility classes and methods
extreme(int, int, Tuple, PigProgressable) - Static method in class


FAILURE_RATE - Static variable in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementVote
fieldNameChangeSeparator - Variable in class datafu.pig.util.TupleDiff
FieldNotFound - Exception in datafu.pig.util
Thrown by {see AliasableEvalFunc} when attempting to access an unknown field by name.
FieldNotFound() - Constructor for exception datafu.pig.util.FieldNotFound
FieldNotFound(String) - Constructor for exception datafu.pig.util.FieldNotFound
Final() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.CountDistinctUpTo.Final
Final(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.CountDistinctUpTo.Final
Final() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample.Final
Final(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample.Final
Final() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSample.Final
Final(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSample.Final
Final() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect.Final
Final() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.WeightedReservoirSample.Final
Final(String, String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.WeightedReservoirSample.Final
Final() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.DoubleVAR.Final
Final() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EmpiricalCountEntropy.Final
Final(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EmpiricalCountEntropy.Final
Final() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.FloatVAR.Final
Final() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.HyperLogLogPlusPlus.Final
Final(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.HyperLogLogPlusPlus.Final
Final() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.IntVAR.Final
Final() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.LongVAR.Final
Final() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.VAR.Final
find_cumsum_interval(double[], double, int, int) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.WeightedSample
FirstTupleFromBag - Class in datafu.pig.bags
Returns the first tuple from a bag.
FirstTupleFromBag() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.FirstTupleFromBag
FloatVAR - Class in datafu.pig.stats
FloatVAR() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.FloatVAR
FloatVAR.Final - Class in datafu.pig.stats
FloatVAR.Initial - Class in datafu.pig.stats
FloatVAR.Intermediate - Class in datafu.pig.stats


getAlpha() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
Gets the page rank alpha value.
getArgToFuncMapping() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.VAR
getBag(Tuple, String) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
getBoolean(Tuple, String) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
getCacheFiles() - Method in class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.POSTag
getCacheFiles() - Method in class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.SentenceDetect
getCacheFiles() - Method in class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.TokenizeME
getContextProperties() - Method in class datafu.pig.util.ContextualEvalFunc
Helper method to return the context properties for this class
getData() - Method in exception datafu.pig.util.DataFuException
Gets data relevant to this exception.
getDim() - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.interfaces.LSH
getDim() - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.interfaces.LSHCreator
getDimension() - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.CosineDistanceHash
getDimension() - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.L1PStableHash
getDimension() - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.L2PStableHash
getDimension() - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.LSHFunc
getDouble(Tuple, String) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
getDouble(Tuple, String, Double) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
getEdgeCachingThreshold() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
Gets the number of edges past which they will be cached on disk instead of in memory.
getEntropy() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EntropyEstimator
getFieldAliases() - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
Field aliases are generated from the input schema.
getFieldAliases() - Method in exception datafu.pig.util.DataFuException
Gets field aliases for a UDF which may be relevant to this exception.
getFileName(String, String) - Static method in class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.CachedFile
getFinal() - Method in class
getFinal() - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.CountDistinctUpTo
getFinal() - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample
getFinal() - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSample
getFinal() - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect
getFinal() - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.WeightedReservoirSample
getFinal() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.DoubleVAR
getFinal() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EmpiricalCountEntropy
getFinal() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.FloatVAR
getFinal() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.HyperLogLogPlusPlus
getFinal() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.IntVAR
getFinal() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.LongVAR
getFinal() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.VAR
getFloat(Tuple, String) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
getFloat(Tuple, String, Float) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
getInitial() - Method in class
Algebraic interface
getInitial() - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.CountDistinctUpTo
getInitial() - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample
getInitial() - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSample
getInitial() - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect
getInitial() - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.WeightedReservoirSample
getInitial() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.DoubleVAR
getInitial() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EmpiricalCountEntropy
getInitial() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.FloatVAR
getInitial() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.HyperLogLogPlusPlus
getInitial() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.IntVAR
getInitial() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.LongVAR
getInitial() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.VAR
getInstanceName() - Method in class datafu.pig.util.ContextualEvalFunc
getInstanceProperties() - Method in class datafu.pig.util.ContextualEvalFunc
Helper method to return the context properties for this instance of this class
getInteger(Tuple, String) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
getInteger(Tuple, String, Integer) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
getIntermed() - Method in class
getIntermed() - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.CountDistinctUpTo
getIntermed() - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample
getIntermed() - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSample
getIntermed() - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect
getIntermed() - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.WeightedReservoirSample
getIntermed() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.DoubleVAR
getIntermed() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EmpiricalCountEntropy
getIntermed() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.FloatVAR
getIntermed() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.HyperLogLogPlusPlus
getIntermed() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.IntVAR
getIntermed() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.LongVAR
getIntermed() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.VAR
getLong(Tuple, String) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
getLong(Tuple, String, Long) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
getNodeBias(int) - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
getNodeIds() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
getNodeRank(int) - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
getNQuantiles(int) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.QuantileUtil
getNumHashes() - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.interfaces.LSHCreator
getNumInternalRepetitions() - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.interfaces.LSHCreator
Each locality sensitive hash is a composite of numInternalRepetitions LSHes (this is done to increase range of the LSH)
getObject(Tuple, String) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
getOutputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.BagGroup
getOutputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.BagJoin
getOutputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
Specify the output schema as in {link EvalFunc#outputSchema(Schema)}.
getOutputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.Coalesce
getOutputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.TransposeTupleToBag
getPosition(String) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
getPosition(String, String) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
getPrefixedAliasName(String, String) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
getQuantilesFromParams(String...) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.QuantileUtil
getRandomGenerator() - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.HasherRand
getRandomGenerator() - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.interfaces.LSH
getReturnType() - Method in class
getReturnType() - Method in class datafu.pig.util.SimpleEvalFunc
getSampler() - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.p_stable.AbstractStableDistributionFunction
The sampler determines the metric which this LSH is associated with.
getSampler() - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.p_stable.L1LSH
getSampler() - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.p_stable.L2LSH
getScoreGenerator() - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample
getScoreGenerator() - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample.Initial
getScoreGenerator() - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.WeightedReservoirSample
getScoreGenerator() - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.WeightedReservoirSample.Initial
getSeed() - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.LSHFunc
getString(Tuple, String) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
getString(Tuple, String, String) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
getTotalRankChange() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.CountDistinctUpTo
getValue() - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.CountEach
getValue() - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.DistinctBy
getValue() - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.Enumerate
getValue() - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.FirstTupleFromBag
getValue() - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.TupleFromBag
getValue() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRank
getValue() - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample
getValue() - Method in class datafu.pig.sessions.SessionCount
getValue() - Method in class datafu.pig.sessions.Sessionize
getValue() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.DoubleVAR
getValue() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.CondEntropy
getValue() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EmpiricalCountEntropy
getValue() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.Entropy
getValue() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.FloatVAR
getValue() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.IntVAR
getValue() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.LongVAR
getValue() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.StreamingQuantile
getValue() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.VAR


hash_func - Variable in class datafu.pig.hash.Hasher
hash_func - Variable in class datafu.pig.hash.HasherRand
Hasher - Class in datafu.pig.hash
Computes a hash value of a string and outputs it in hex.
Hasher() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.Hasher
Generates hash values according to murmur3-32, a non-cryptographic-strength hash function with good mixing.
Hasher(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.Hasher
Generates hash values according to the hash function given by algorithm.
Hasher(String, String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.Hasher
Generates hash values according to the hash function given by algorithm, with initial seed given by the seed.
HasherRand - Class in datafu.pig.hash
Computes a hash value of a string using a randomly generated seed and outputs it in hex.
HasherRand() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.HasherRand
Generates hash values according to murmur3-32, a non-cryptographic-strength hash function with good mixing.
HasherRand(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.HasherRand
Generates hash values according to the given hash algorithm.
HaversineDistInMiles - Class in datafu.pig.geo
Computes the distance (in miles) between two latitude-longitude pairs using the Haversine formula.
HaversineDistInMiles() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.geo.HaversineDistInMiles
HelperClass() - Constructor for class
HelperClass(String) - Constructor for class
HelperClass(String, String) - Constructor for class
HyperLogLogPlusPlus - Class in datafu.pig.stats
This will be removed in the next major release.
HyperLogLogPlusPlus() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.HyperLogLogPlusPlus
Constructs a HyperLogLog++ estimator.
HyperLogLogPlusPlus(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.HyperLogLogPlusPlus
Constructs a HyperLogLog++ estimator.
HyperLogLogPlusPlus.Final - Class in datafu.pig.stats
HyperLogLogPlusPlus.Initial - Class in datafu.pig.stats
HyperLogLogPlusPlus.Intermediate - Class in datafu.pig.stats
HyperplaneLSH - Class in datafu.pig.hash.lsh.cosine
From wikipedia's article on Locality Sensitive Hashing:
HyperplaneLSH(int, RandomGenerator) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.cosine.HyperplaneLSH
Locality sensitive hash that maps vectors onto 0,1 in such a way that colliding vectors are "near" one another according to cosine similarity with high probability.


In - Class in datafu.pig.util
Use InUDF instead.
In() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.util.In
init() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
init(ProgressIndicator) - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
Initial() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.CountDistinctUpTo.Initial
Initial(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.CountDistinctUpTo.Initial
Initial() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample.Initial
Initial(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample.Initial
Initial() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSample.Initial
Initial(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSample.Initial
Initial() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect.Initial
Initial() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.WeightedReservoirSample.Initial
Initial(String, String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.WeightedReservoirSample.Initial
Initial() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.DoubleVAR.Initial
Initial() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EmpiricalCountEntropy.Initial
Initial(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EmpiricalCountEntropy.Initial
Initial() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.FloatVAR.Initial
Initial() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.HyperLogLogPlusPlus.Initial
Initial(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.HyperLogLogPlusPlus.Initial
Initial() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.IntVAR.Initial
Initial() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.LongVAR.Initial
Initial() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.VAR.Initial
Intermediate() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.CountDistinctUpTo.Intermediate
Intermediate(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.CountDistinctUpTo.Intermediate
Intermediate() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample.Intermediate
Intermediate(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample.Intermediate
Intermediate() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSample.Intermediate
Intermediate(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSample.Intermediate
Intermediate() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect.Intermediate
Intermediate() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.WeightedReservoirSample.Intermediate
Intermediate(String, String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.WeightedReservoirSample.Intermediate
Intermediate() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.DoubleVAR.Intermediate
Intermediate() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EmpiricalCountEntropy.Intermediate
Intermediate(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EmpiricalCountEntropy.Intermediate
Intermediate() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.FloatVAR.Intermediate
Intermediate() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.HyperLogLogPlusPlus.Intermediate
Intermediate(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.HyperLogLogPlusPlus.Intermediate
Intermediate() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.IntVAR.Intermediate
Intermediate() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.LongVAR.Intermediate
Intermediate() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.VAR.Intermediate
intFromHex(String) - Static method in class datafu.pig.hash.Hasher
IntToBool - Class in datafu.pig.util
UDF which converts an Integer to a Boolean.
IntToBool() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.util.IntToBool
IntVAR - Class in datafu.pig.stats
IntVAR() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.IntVAR
IntVAR.Final - Class in datafu.pig.stats
IntVAR.Initial - Class in datafu.pig.stats
IntVAR.Intermediate - Class in datafu.pig.stats
InUDF - Class in datafu.pig.util
Similar to the SQL IN function, this function provides a convenient way to filter using a logical disjunction over many values.
InUDF() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.util.InUDF
isEdgeDiskCachingEnabled() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
Gets whether edge disk caching is enabled.
isNodeBiasingEnabled() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
isUsingEdgeDiskCache() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
Gets whether disk is being used to cache edges.
isValidLogBase(String) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EntropyUtil
isValidVector(Schema.FieldSchema, int) - Static method in enum datafu.pig.hash.lsh.util.DataTypeUtil


L1 - Class in datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric
A UDF used to find a vector v in a bag such that for query point q, metric m and threshold t m(v,q) < t.
L1(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric.L1
Create a new L1 Metric UDF with a given dimension.
L1LSH - Class in datafu.pig.hash.lsh.p_stable
A locality sensitive hash associated with the L1 metric.
L1LSH(int, double, RandomGenerator) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.p_stable.L1LSH
Constructs a new instance.
L1PStableHash - Class in datafu.pig.hash.lsh
From wikipedia's article on Locality Sensitive Hashing:
L1PStableHash(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.L1PStableHash
Locality sensitive hash that maps vectors onto a long in such a way that colliding vectors are "near" one another according to cosine similarity with high probability.
L1PStableHash(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.L1PStableHash
L2 - Class in datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric
A UDF used to find a vector v in a bag such that for query point q, metric m and threshold t m(v,q) < t.
L2(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric.L2
Create a new L2 Metric UDF with a given dimension.
L2LSH - Class in datafu.pig.hash.lsh.p_stable
A locality sensitive hash associated with the L2 metric.
L2LSH(int, double, RandomGenerator) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.p_stable.L2LSH
Constructs a new instance.
L2PStableHash - Class in datafu.pig.hash.lsh
From wikipedia's article on Locality Sensitive Hashing:
L2PStableHash(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.L2PStableHash
Locality sensitive hash that maps vectors onto a long in such a way that colliding vectors are "near" one another according to cosine similarity with high probability.
L2PStableHash(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.L2PStableHash
LOG - Static variable in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EntropyUtil
LOG10 - Static variable in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EntropyUtil
LOG2 - Static variable in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EntropyUtil
logTransform(double, String) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EntropyUtil
longFromHex(String) - Static method in class datafu.pig.hash.Hasher
LongVAR - Class in datafu.pig.stats
LongVAR() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.LongVAR
LongVAR.Final - Class in datafu.pig.stats
LongVAR.Initial - Class in datafu.pig.stats
LongVAR.Intermediate - Class in datafu.pig.stats
LSH - Class in datafu.pig.hash.lsh.interfaces
An abstract class representing a locality sensitive hash.
LSH(int, RandomGenerator) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.interfaces.LSH
Construct a locality sensitive hash.
lsh - Variable in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.LSHFunc
LSHCreator - Class in datafu.pig.hash.lsh.interfaces
Create a Locality sensitive hash.
LSHCreator(int, int, int, long) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.interfaces.LSHCreator
Create a LSHCreator
LSHFamily - Class in datafu.pig.hash.lsh
A family of k locality sensitive hashes.
LSHFamily(List<LSH>) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.LSHFamily
Construct a family of hashes
LSHFunc - Class in datafu.pig.hash.lsh
The base UDF for locality sensitive hashing.
LSHFunc(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.LSHFunc


makeHashFunc(String, String) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.Hasher
Returns the HashFunction named by algorithm, with initial seed given by the seed.
MarkovPairs - Class in datafu.pig.stats
Accepts a bag of tuples, with user supplied ordering, and generates pairs that can be used for a Markov chain analysis.
MarkovPairs() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.MarkovPairs
MarkovPairs(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.MarkovPairs
MD5 - Class in datafu.pig.hash
Computes the MD5 value of a string and outputs it in hex (by default).
MD5() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.MD5
MD5(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.MD5
Median - Class in datafu.pig.stats
Computes the median for a sorted input bag, using type R-2 estimation.
Median() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.Median
MetricUDF - Class in datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric
A base UDF used to find a vector v in a bag such that for query point q, metric m and threshold t m(v,q) < t.
MetricUDF(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric.MetricUDF
Create a new Metric UDF with a given dimension.
missing - Variable in class datafu.pig.util.TupleDiff


nextIteration(ProgressIndicator) - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
nextIteration() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
nodeCount() - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
NullToEmptyBag - Class in datafu.pig.bags
Returns an empty bag if the input is null; otherwise, returns the input bag unchanged.
NullToEmptyBag() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.NullToEmptyBag
numSamples - Variable in class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample


onReady(Schema, Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.HasherRand
Generate a seed exactly once on the front end, so all workers get same value
onReady(Schema, Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.ContextualEvalFunc
Hook method, called once the input and output schema are prepared.
OUTPUT_BAG_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSample
Prefix for the output bag name.
OUTPUT_BAG_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect
Prefix for the output bag name.
OUTPUT_BAG_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementVote
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.AppendToBag
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.BagConcat
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.BagSplit
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.CountDistinctUpTo
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.CountEach
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.DistinctBy
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.EmptyBagToNull
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.EmptyBagToNullFields
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.Enumerate
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.FirstTupleFromBag
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.NullToEmptyBag
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.PrependToBag
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.ReverseEnumerate
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.TupleFromBag
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.UnorderedPairs
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.bags.ZipBags
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.geo.HaversineDistInMiles
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.LSHFunc
The schema returned here is a bag containing pairs.
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.metric.MetricUDF
Create the output schema, based on the input schema.
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRank
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.random.RandInt
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.random.RandomUUID
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSample
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementVote
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.WeightedReservoirSample
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.WeightedSample
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.sessions.Sessionize
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.sets.SetOperationsBase
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.DoubleVAR
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.CondEntropy
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EmpiricalCountEntropy
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.Entropy
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.FloatVAR
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.HyperLogLogPlusPlus
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.IntVAR
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.LongVAR
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.MarkovPairs
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.Quantile
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.StreamingQuantile
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.VAR
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.WilsonBinConf
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.POSTag
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.SentenceDetect
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.TokenizeME
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.TokenizeSimple
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.TokenizeWhitespace
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.urls.URLInfo
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.AliasableEvalFunc
A wrapper method which captures the schema and then calls getOutputSchema
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.ContextualEvalFunc
Override outputSchema only to add the onSchemaReady hook method.
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.SimpleEvalFunc
Override outputSchema so we can verify the input schema at pig compile time, instead of runtime
outputSchema(Schema) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.TupleDiff


PageRank - Class in datafu.pig.linkanalysis
A UDF which implements PageRank.
PageRank() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRank
PageRank(String...) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRank
PageRankImpl - Class in datafu.pig.linkanalysis
An implementation of PageRank, used by the PageRank UDF.
PageRankImpl() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
parseFieldIndex(String) - Static method in class
parseOrdering(String) - Static method in class
POSITION_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementVote
POSTag - Class in datafu.pig.text.opennlp
The OpenNLP POSTag UDF tags bags of sequential words with parts of speech and confidence levels using the OpenNLP toolset, and specifically the POSTaggerME class.
POSTag(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.POSTag
PrependToBag - Class in datafu.pig.bags
Prepends a tuple to a bag.
PrependToBag() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.PrependToBag


Quantile - Class in datafu.pig.stats
Computes quantiles for a sorted input bag, using type R-2 estimation.
Quantile(String...) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.Quantile
QuantileUtil - Class in datafu.pig.stats
Methods used by Quantile.
QuantileUtil() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.QuantileUtil


RandInt - Class in datafu.pig.random
Generates a uniformly distributed integer between two bounds.
RandInt() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.random.RandInt
RandomUUID - Class in datafu.pig.random
Generates a random UUID using java.util.UUID
RandomUUID() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.random.RandomUUID
RepeatingLSH - Class in datafu.pig.hash.lsh
A composite hash which takes multiple hashes and composes them.
RepeatingLSH(List<LSH>) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.RepeatingLSH
ReservoirSample - Class in datafu.pig.sampling
Performs a simple random sample using an in-memory reservoir to produce a uniformly random sample of a given size.
ReservoirSample(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample
ReservoirSample.Final - Class in datafu.pig.sampling
ReservoirSample.Initial - Class in datafu.pig.sampling
ReservoirSample.Intermediate - Class in datafu.pig.sampling
reset(int, double) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.p_stable.AbstractStableDistributionFunction
reset() - Method in class datafu.pig.stats.entropy.EntropyEstimator
ReverseEnumerate - Class in datafu.pig.bags
Enumerate a bag, appending to each tuple its index within the bag, with indices being produced in descending order.
ReverseEnumerate() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.ReverseEnumerate
ReverseEnumerate(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.ReverseEnumerate
rg - Variable in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.interfaces.LSH


sample(RandomDataImpl) - Method in interface datafu.pig.hash.lsh.interfaces.Sampler
Generate a sample
sample(RandomDataImpl) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.p_stable.L1LSH
Draw a sample s ~ Cauchy(0,1), which is 1-stable.
sample(RandomDataImpl) - Method in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.p_stable.L2LSH
Draw a sample s ~ Gaussian(0,1), which is 2-stable.
SampleByKey - Class in datafu.pig.sampling
Provides a way of sampling tuples based on certain fields.
SampleByKey(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.SampleByKey
SampleByKey(String, String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.SampleByKey
Sampler - Interface in datafu.pig.hash.lsh.interfaces
A helper interface to sample from a distribution specified by a RandomDataImpl
SCORE_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementVote
scoreGen - Variable in class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample.Initial
scoreGen - Variable in class datafu.pig.sampling.ReservoirSample
seed - Variable in class datafu.pig.hash.lsh.LSHFunc
SEEDED_HASH_NAMES - Static variable in class datafu.pig.hash.Hasher
SelectStringFieldByName - Class in datafu.pig.util
Selects the value for a field within a tuple using that field's name.
SelectStringFieldByName() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.util.SelectStringFieldByName
SentenceDetect - Class in datafu.pig.text.opennlp
The OpenNLP SentenceDectectors segment an input paragraph into sentences.
SentenceDetect(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.SentenceDetect
separator - Variable in class datafu.pig.util.TupleDiff
SessionCount - Class in datafu.pig.sessions
Performs a count of events, ignoring events which occur within the same time window.
SessionCount(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sessions.SessionCount
Sessionize - Class in datafu.pig.sessions
Sessionizes an input stream, appending a session ID to each tuple.
Sessionize(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sessions.Sessionize
setAlpha(float) - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
Sets the page rank alpha value (default is 0.85);
setData(Object) - Method in exception datafu.pig.util.DataFuException
Sets data relevant to this exception.
SetDifference - Class in datafu.pig.sets
Computes the set difference of two or more bags.
SetDifference() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sets.SetDifference
setEdgeCachingThreshold(long) - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
Set the number of edges past which they will be cached on disk instead of in memory.
setFieldAliases(Map<String, Integer>) - Method in exception datafu.pig.util.DataFuException
Sets field aliases for a UDF which may be relevant to this exception.
SetIntersect - Class in datafu.pig.sets
Computes the set intersection of two or more bags.
SetIntersect() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sets.SetIntersect
setNodeBias(int, float) - Method in class datafu.pig.linkanalysis.PageRankImpl
SetOperationsBase - Class in datafu.pig.sets
Base class for set operations.
SetOperationsBase() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sets.SetOperationsBase
setUDFContextSignature(String) - Method in class datafu.pig.sampling.SampleByKey
setUDFContextSignature(String) - Method in class datafu.pig.util.ContextualEvalFunc
SetUnion - Class in datafu.pig.sets
Computes the set union of two or more bags.
SetUnion() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sets.SetUnion
SHA - Class in datafu.pig.hash
SHA() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.SHA
SHA(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.hash.SHA
SimpleEvalFunc<T> - Class in datafu.pig.util
Uses reflection to makes writing simple wrapper Pig UDFs easier.
SimpleEvalFunc() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.util.SimpleEvalFunc
SimpleRandomSample - Class in datafu.pig.sampling
Scalable simple random sampling (ScaSRS).
SimpleRandomSample() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSample
SimpleRandomSample(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSample
Should specify the sampling probability in the function call.
SimpleRandomSample.Final - Class in datafu.pig.sampling
SimpleRandomSample.Initial - Class in datafu.pig.sampling
SimpleRandomSample.Intermediate - Class in datafu.pig.sampling
SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect - Class in datafu.pig.sampling
Select the candidate with the smallest score for each position from the candidates proposed by SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementVote.
SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect
SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect.Final - Class in datafu.pig.sampling
SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect.Initial - Class in datafu.pig.sampling
SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect.Intermediate - Class in datafu.pig.sampling
SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementVote - Class in datafu.pig.sampling
Scalable simple random sampling with replacement (ScaSRSWR).
SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementVote() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementVote
StreamingMedian - Class in datafu.pig.stats
Computes the approximate median for a (not necessarily sorted) input bag, using the Munro-Paterson algorithm.
StreamingMedian() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.StreamingMedian
StreamingQuantile - Class in datafu.pig.stats
Computes approximate quantiles for a (not necessarily sorted) input bag, using the Munro-Paterson algorithm.
StreamingQuantile(String...) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.StreamingQuantile
sum(Tuple) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.DoubleVAR
sum(Tuple) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.FloatVAR
sum(Tuple) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.IntVAR
sum(Tuple) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.LongVAR
sum(Tuple) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.VAR
sumSquare(Tuple) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.DoubleVAR
sumSquare(Tuple) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.FloatVAR
sumSquare(Tuple) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.IntVAR
sumSquare(Tuple) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.LongVAR
sumSquare(Tuple) - Static method in class datafu.pig.stats.VAR


TokenizeME - Class in datafu.pig.text.opennlp
The OpenNLP Tokenizers segment an input character sequence into tokens using the OpenNLP TokenizeME class, which is a probabilistic, 'maximum entropy' classifier.
TokenizeME(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.TokenizeME
TokenizeSimple - Class in datafu.pig.text.opennlp
The OpenNLP Tokenizers segment an input character sequence into tokens.
TokenizeSimple() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.TokenizeSimple
TokenizeWhitespace - Class in datafu.pig.text.opennlp
The OpenNLP Tokenizers segment an input character sequence into tokens.
TokenizeWhitespace() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.text.opennlp.TokenizeWhitespace
toString() - Method in exception datafu.pig.util.DataFuException
TransposeTupleToBag - Class in datafu.pig.util
Performs a transpose on a tuple, resulting in a bag of key, value fields where the key is the column name and the value is the value of that column in the tuple.
TransposeTupleToBag() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.util.TransposeTupleToBag
TupleDiff - Class in datafu.pig.util
Gets a variable number of arguments - the old tuple, the new tuple, and a list of ignored fields Values are compared by position (zero-based).
TupleDiff() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.util.TupleDiff
TupleDiff(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.util.TupleDiff
tupleEnd - Variable in class datafu.pig.util.TupleDiff
tupleFactory - Static variable in class datafu.pig.sampling.SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect
TupleFromBag - Class in datafu.pig.bags
This UDF will extract a tuple from a bag based on a specified index.
TupleFromBag() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.TupleFromBag
tupleStart - Variable in class datafu.pig.util.TupleDiff


UnorderedPairs - Class in datafu.pig.bags
Generates pairs of all items in a bag.
UnorderedPairs() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.UnorderedPairs
URLInfo - Class in datafu.pig.urls
Given a valid URL, this UDF provides the following information about that URL: Domain, Host, Protocol, Path, Port, Query Params and their values
URLInfo() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.urls.URLInfo
UserAgentClassify - Class in datafu.pig.urls
Given a user agent string, this UDF classifies clients to 'mobile' and 'desktop'.
UserAgentClassify() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.urls.UserAgentClassify


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum datafu.pig.bags.BagJoin.JoinType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum datafu.pig.hash.lsh.util.DataTypeUtil
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum datafu.pig.bags.BagJoin.JoinType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum datafu.pig.hash.lsh.util.DataTypeUtil
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VAR - Class in datafu.pig.stats
Generates the Variance of a set of Values.
VAR() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.VAR
VAR.Final - Class in datafu.pig.stats
VAR.Initial - Class in datafu.pig.stats
VAR.Intermediate - Class in datafu.pig.stats


WeightedReservoirSample - Class in datafu.pig.sampling
Performs a weighted random sample using an in-memory reservoir to produce a weighted random sample of a given size based on the A-Res algorithm described in paper.
WeightedReservoirSample(String, String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.WeightedReservoirSample
WeightedReservoirSample.Final - Class in datafu.pig.sampling
WeightedReservoirSample.Initial - Class in datafu.pig.sampling
WeightedReservoirSample.Intermediate - Class in datafu.pig.sampling
WeightedSample - Class in datafu.pig.sampling
Performs weighted bernoulli sampling on a bag.
WeightedSample() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.WeightedSample
WeightedSample(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.sampling.WeightedSample
WilsonBinConf - Class in datafu.pig.stats
WilsonBinConf(double) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.WilsonBinConf
WilsonBinConf(String) - Constructor for class datafu.pig.stats.WilsonBinConf


ZipBags - Class in datafu.pig.bags
This udf takes any number of bags and allows you to zip them into one bag with the tuples inside each bag concatenated to each other.
ZipBags() - Constructor for class datafu.pig.bags.ZipBags
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