Uses of Class

Packages that use DatePath
datafu.hourglass.fs Classes for working with the file system. Incremental Hadoop jobs and some supporting classes. 

Uses of DatePath in datafu.hourglass.fs

Methods in datafu.hourglass.fs that return DatePath
static DatePath DatePath.createDatedPath(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path parent, java.util.Date date)
static DatePath DatePath.createNestedDatedPath(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path parent, java.util.Date date)

Methods in datafu.hourglass.fs that return types with arguments of type DatePath
static java.util.List<DatePath> PathUtils.findDatedPaths(org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem fs, org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path path)
          List all paths matching the "yyyyMMdd" format under a given path.
static java.util.List<DatePath> PathUtils.findNestedDatedPaths(org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem fs, org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path input)
          List all paths matching the "yyyy/MM/dd" format under a given path.

Methods in datafu.hourglass.fs with parameters of type DatePath
 int DatePath.compareTo(DatePath o)

Uses of DatePath in

Methods in that return DatePath
 DatePath AbstractNonIncrementalJob.Report.getOutputFile()
          Gets the output file that was produced by the job.
 DatePath AbstractPartitionCollapsingIncrementalJob.Report.getOutputPath()
          Gets the path to the output which was produced by the job.
 DatePath PartitionCollapsingExecutionPlanner.getPreviousOutputToProcess()
          Gets the previous output to reuse, or null if no output is being reused.
 DatePath AbstractPartitionCollapsingIncrementalJob.Report.getReusedOutput()
          Gets the output that was reused, if one was reused.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type DatePath
protected  java.util.Map<java.util.Date,java.util.List<DatePath>> ExecutionPlanner.getAvailableInputsByDate()
          Gets a map from date to available input data.
protected  java.util.SortedMap<java.util.Date,DatePath> ExecutionPlanner.getDailyData(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path path)
          Get a map from date to path for all paths matching yyyy/MM/dd under the given path.
protected  java.util.SortedMap<java.util.Date,DatePath> ExecutionPlanner.getDatedData(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path path)
          Get a map from date to path for all paths matching yyyyMMdd under the given path.
 java.util.List<DatePath> AbstractNonIncrementalJob.Report.getInputFiles()
          Gets input files that were processed.
 java.util.List<DatePath> AbstractPartitionCollapsingIncrementalJob.Report.getInputFiles()
          Gets new input files that were processed.
 java.util.List<DatePath> AbstractPartitionPreservingIncrementalJob.Report.getInputFiles()
          Gets input files that were processed.
 java.util.List<DatePath> PartitionCollapsingExecutionPlanner.getInputsToProcess()
          Gets all inputs that will be processed.
 java.util.List<DatePath> PartitionPreservingExecutionPlanner.getInputsToProcess()
          Gets the inputs which are to be processed.
 java.util.List<DatePath> PartitionCollapsingExecutionPlanner.getNewInputsToProcess()
          Gets only the new data that will be processed.
 java.util.List<DatePath> AbstractPartitionCollapsingIncrementalJob.Report.getOldInputFiles()
          Gets old input files that were processed.
 java.util.List<DatePath> PartitionCollapsingExecutionPlanner.getOldInputsToProcess()
          Gets only the old data that will be processed.
 java.util.List<DatePath> AbstractPartitionPreservingIncrementalJob.Report.getOutputFiles()
          Gets the output files that were produced by the job.

Matthew Hayes