Uses of Class

Packages that use DateRange
datafu.hourglass.avro Input and output formats for using Avro in incremental Hadoop jobs. Incremental Hadoop jobs and some supporting classes. 
datafu.hourglass.mapreduce Implementations of mappers, combiners, and reducers used by incremental jobs. 

Uses of DateRange in datafu.hourglass.avro

Methods in datafu.hourglass.avro that return DateRange
static DateRange AvroDateRangeMetadata.getOutputFileDateRange(org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem fs, org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path path)
          Reads the date range from the metadata stored in an Avro file.

Methods in datafu.hourglass.avro with parameters of type DateRange
static void AvroDateRangeMetadata.configureOutputDateRange(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf, DateRange dateRange)
          Updates the Hadoop configuration so that the Avro files which are written have date range information stored in the metadata.

Uses of DateRange in

Methods in that return DateRange
 DateRange PartitionCollapsingExecutionPlanner.getCurrentDateRange()
 DateRange ExecutionPlanner.getDateRange()
          Gets the desired input date range to process based on the configuration and available inputs.
static DateRange DateRangePlanner.getDateRange(java.util.Date beginDateOverride, java.util.Date endDateOverride, java.util.Collection<java.util.Date> available, java.lang.Integer daysAgo, java.lang.Integer numDays)
          Determines the date range of inputs which should be processed.

Methods in with parameters of type DateRange
 void DateRangeConfigurable.setOutputDateRange(DateRange dateRange)
          Sets the date range for the output.

Uses of DateRange in datafu.hourglass.mapreduce

Methods in datafu.hourglass.mapreduce with parameters of type DateRange
 void CollapsingCombiner.setOutputDateRange(DateRange dateRange)
 void CollapsingReducer.setOutputDateRange(DateRange dateRange)

Matthew Hayes